International Business Establishment & Business Development

ADVOCATION helps foreign (and US) companies avoid the many complications, high risks, and huge expenses of entering and operating within US federal and state marketplaces. 

Managed Services

  • Legal Business Compliance
  • Licensing & Registration
  • Strategic Partnership Marketing
  • Federal Business Development
  • Direct Sales Enablement
  • Tech Compliance Consulting

US Public Sector Business Disqualifiers...

  • Companies party to contracts with the governments of North Korea, Venezuela, or Syria (or with Board Directors who are).
  • Companies party to military contracts with China, Russia, or Belarus (or with Board Directors linked to them).

A Washington DC-based Advocacy

& Business Development Agency

in US Federal & State Markets

  • Knowing which barriers to entry are real or imagined.
  • Navigating the hoops of red tape.
  • Knowing which agencies are buying what and when.
  • Ensuring all relevant COs & CXOs know about you.
  • Knowing your competition and which prime contractors to connect to and partner with as a sub-contractor.
  • Targeting federal and state MAS Contract Vehicle(s) to better enable your long-term US business' profitable self-sustainability.
  • Understanding public sector TLAs (three-letter acronyms), the buying systems, the order of sequenced buying protocols and acquisition regulations to win business.

The Federal Marketplace